IKEA - Fixed Prices

Cannes Lions - Bronze Lion
Crystal Apple Awards - Crystal Apple  

When it comes to IKEA, we usually see campaigns about underlining IKEA's same benefits; "Do it yourself", "Low prices", or "Easy to assemble". I think the core idea behind this campaign comes from finding a new benefit for IKEA; "Fixed prices all year long". It means a lot in wavy economies like Turkey.


IKEA - Fixed Prices Poster Campaign

 One Show 2013 - Collateral / Posters 

Golden Drum 2012 - Golden Drum

Crystal Apple Awards - Crystal Apple


Seyahatname - Off Season Prices

Crystal Apple Awards - Crystal Apple

Seyahatname travel agency only works from web. So they can beat huge agencies prices who have large offices and tons of employees. But they needed an e-mailing work to communicate it.


Seyahatname - More Destinations

 E-mailing for Seyahatname tourism agency.
I was so surprised when I first heard how many more Statue's of Liberty around the globe.


Marshall - Colors of Faces

 These print ads were more likely a personal project for me at the beginning. I sketched down some lines about colours of a face can get in different situations. Later on (Actually when Cannes deadline gets closer) we turned them into a campaign for Marshall dyes and aired them.